
Healing Through Life

Healing Touch addresses many symptoms and situations.

If you aren’t sure if Healing Touch can assist you with your needs, reach out to us with any questions.


There are many causes and types of anxiety (or ways in which we feel its affects), receiving energetic treatment of Healing Touch helps create a path through the mental and emotional experience as well as its triggers.

Anxiety can appear as other physical symptoms such as:
Breathing issues, Heart palpitations, Tense muscles, Soreness, Tiredness, Restlessness, Emotional ups and downs, Irritability, and other seemingly disconnected symptoms.

Chronic Pain

Whether due to an illness or an unidentified cause, Healing Touch can address the symptoms associated with Chronic Pain. The energetic healing offers support through the mental, emotional and physical repercussions of on-going pain.

Offering treatment for symptoms like:
Anxiety, Breathing, Sleep Issues, Specific Pain centers, Emotional upheaval, and other associated symptoms of the pain itself or issues arising because of the chronic pain.

Infant Care / Birth

Care for both mother and child to treat a variety of symptoms and needs. Healing Touch is also a great addition to a normal recovery process to aid in your body’s natural healing.

Offering treatment for symptoms like:
Agitation, Anxiety, Breathing, Clear anesthesia, Congestion, Constipation, Emotional angst, End of Life, Heart Rhythm, IV Starts – vein surface, Itching - Rash - Hives, Nausea, Pain, Withdrawal symptoms, Wound Healing

Hospice Care

Healing Touch aides in easing the transition through illness and end of life. Treating pain and side effects from medical interventions as well as the body’s natural processes at the end of life.

Offering treatment for symptoms like:
Agitation, Anxiety, Breathing, Pain, Itching - Rash- Hives, Nausea, Wounds, General discomfort, Sleep issues, and end of life transition.

Surgical Recovery

Support for the body’s natural processes in recovery can come from energetic interventions of Healing Touch. The soothing treatment encourages faster recovery as well as mental and emotional wellbeing while the body recuperates.

Offering treatment for symptoms like:
Agitation, Anxiety, Breathing, Pain, IV and vein discomfort, Itching - Rash- Hives, Nausea, Wounds, General discomfort, Sleep issues, etc.

Life Transitions

As we grow and change as people we cross through many transitions in life, such as relationship changes, moving, job loss or change, child bearing to empty nesting. Support for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves assists us in managing these transitions from a more peaceful place.

Offering treatment for symptoms like:
Agitation, Anxiety, Worry, Over-thinking, Grief, Rumination, and other Emotional symptoms connected to all parts of ourselves.

Mental Wellbeing

Our mental wellbeing is interconnected to all parts of our physical and spiritual selves. As we seek to find ourselves, our path, our healing and our faith we benefit from the energetic support of Healing Touch.

You may not be experiencing any symptoms but still want to offer all parts of yourself the benefit of alignment and energetic healing.

What People Are Saying


“I have had Reiki and Healing Touch with Laurie Taylor. She is an exceptionally intuitive healer. Her sessions are gentle and effective. Laurie helped me to achieve significant relief from my anxiety.”

— Janice

“I have had chronic sinus problems and right away after a session of Healing Touch I noticed a dramatic change for the better! What a relief! Healing Touch with Laurie has put me into a deep relaxation and meditative state.”

— Kathy

“When you came to our metastatic breast cancer support group and introduced us to Healing Touch, it changed my life! Healing Touch is such a blessing in my life! When I have a session I feel so much better! I am much more calm and my pain is always less! It helps me relax between my chemo sessions too.”

— Chris

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